Parent/Guardian Information
Kentucky Golden Eagles Track & Field Club 2025
Hello and welcome to Kentucky Golden Eagles Track & Field Club. We are excited for this upcoming season with the Kentucky Golden Eagles! Our coaches have a passion for track and field and for youth development and look forward to teaching and coaching your athlete! We are committed to coach our athletes as high as they can soar, even to the AAU Junior Olympics in Houston, TX in 2025!!!
- What ages do you accept on the team? Great news! This year we will be accepting athletes grades K-12th!! Last year we mainly focused on elementary athletes for the competition team as we were starting out. We added in a few select middle and high school athletes at the end of last season. But we are happy to announce that all athletes in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade from ANY school or homeschool will have options for participating with our club! Please see the registration tab.
- My child doesn’t have any experience with track & field, can they still join KGE? No worries! We will teach and train your athlete in their events. Many athletes who joined KGE last year had no prior experience with the sport. They had a great season, winning many medals and placing well at meets. Others had fun, learned a lot and grew during their time training with us. No experience… no worries! Come on out! Whether you want your child to increase their endurance, get faster, get stronger, throw or jump a greater distance, learn some new drills, have fun exercising, want to join a great supportive community or want to competitively compete all the way to the Junior Olympics in Houston, TX in 2025, we have you covered! There is a place for almost any youth on our team.
- What are the different events at track meets? Track and Field events will vary from meet to meet. However, these are some events that your athlete may see or participate in:
- Sprints – 100m, 200m, 400m
- Hurdles – 80m (AAU), 200m (AAU), 100m, 110m, 300m, 400m (AAU)
- Distance – 800m, 1500m (AAU) 1600m, 3000m (AAU), 3200m
- Relays – 4x100m (400m), 4x200m (800m) 4x400m (1600m), 4x800m (3200m), Sprint medley (100m-100m-200m-400m)
- Field – Shot Put, Discus, Turbo-Javelin, Javelin, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault (we don’t train or compete in)
- Multi Events - Triathlon (AAU), Pentathlon (AAU), Decathlon (AAU), Heptathlon (AAU), 2000m Steeplechase (AAU)
- Racewalk - 1500m (AAU), 3000m (AAU)
- When will the parent/student informational meeting be held? It will be Saturday January 11th, 2025 at 3pm at the Madison County Public Library at 507 W. Main St., Richmond, Ky in the Community Room #013 (ground floor). An alternate makeup date will be at the same location and time on Saturday February 8th, 2025 in the event of inclement weather cancellation of the first meeting. *Please make plans to attend as we will cover very important information concerning the season and try on uniforms for sizing!
- When and where do you practice? We will plan to practice 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours each practice starting in March for the elementary competition team. We may practice at a track or a gym on select days. All details of location, days, times will be posted on our team communication app and calendar once it is confirmed.
- Do I have to live in Richmond or attend a certain school? No! That’s the beauty of an AAU travel club; you can attend any school or be homeschooled and you can live in Madison or a neighboring county and still join our club. As long as you can make it to practices, you should be good!
- Are there tryouts? There are no formal tryouts. There will be evaluations to determine athlete ability and placement on the team for the elementary competition team. For the middle & high school competition team, there won’t be tryouts but they must have prior track experience on a school or club team before joining KGE for the summer session. For athletes who join the training only option (don’t participate in meets but just come to practices to train), there are no tryouts or previous track experience required.
- What are your different registration options?
- KGE GOLD TEAM - Elementary Competition Team for K-5th (attends any school or homeschool) & 6th-8th (homeschool only) (no previous track experience required) during March-June & July-August if they qualify
- KGE PLATINUM TEAM - Middle & High School Competition Team for 6th-12th (attends any school, MUST HAVE PREVIOUS SCHOOL OR CLUB TRACK EXPERIENCE, no beginners on this team) during June and July if they qualify
- KGE SILVER - Elementary, Middle & High School Training Only Option for K-12th (attends any school or homeschool, no previous track experience required) during select months between April-June
- KGE BRONZE - Elementary & Middle Strength & Conditioning Clinic for K-8th (attends any school or homeschool, no previous track experience required) during December-February
*More details will be on the Register tab on our website.
- How much is registration? Gold, Platinum and Silver options will each cost $125 a month during training months (due before the season starts). Gold option will get the month of June free with their registration as well as the month of July if they qualify for the Junior Olympics. Only Junior Olympic Qualifiers participate with KGE during the month of July. Other costs apply as this only refers to KGE registration payments. Bronze will cost $10 per clinic if your athlete doesn’t have a current AAU card attached to KGE. Clinic will be FREE for athletes who have a current AAU card attached to KGE.
- How do I get an AAU card? A required 1 time per year AAU card purchase: The AAU card will be good until August 31, 2025. Once a card is purchased, you won’t need to get another one for the duration of the year. Anyone who trains or competes with KGE, must have an AAU card. Next time your athlete trains or competes with KGE, they will be covered with their current AAU card. Please go to Select: youth membership application, track & field (for the sport), extended (for the coverage), current membership year ($22) or 2 years ($44) (for the term), yes (for are they a member of a club?). 40475 (for the zip code). Kentucky Golden Eagles (for the club), your athlete's information (for grad year it will automatically populate their high school graduation year), check the box, add parents name, click continue and proceed with payment information.
IT'S IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ABOVE EXACTLY AS IT'S STATED to be properly attached to Kentucky Golden Eagles team with AAU.
- Do you offer any scholarships or discounts for registration? We are seeking donors to help provide the funding for scholarships for competition team fees at this time. As we receive donations through individuals and community partners, we plan to offer scholarships to athletes who could use a little extra assistance in meeting the team fees. It is a very important goal of KGE to make our team sport accessible to all athletes and families regardless of financial ability to pay. However, there are costs associated with being on a competitive travel team and funding is needed to cover those costs. If your family could use a scholarship, please fill out the scholarship wait list form on the Register tab to put your name on a wait list so that when we receive funding, we may contact you. There is no guarantee of a scholarship and no guarantee that it will be for this upcoming season.
- What should athletes wear/bring to practice? A water bottle is required. Running shoes should be worn every day. Spikes are optional but recommended for sprinters, hurdlers and jumpers and cross country spikes for long distance runners. Academy Sports in Lexington and Dicks Sporting Goods are good places to look for spikes. Athletes should dress according to the weather, by wearing shorts and a shirt if it's warm and having tights, jackets, or sweatpants if it’s cold. We will practice in rain, cold or shine. If it’s thunder storming or snowing, we’ll notify the team of the indoor location or cancel. But we make every effort not to cancel if possible.
- Are parents allowed to stay for practice? Parents may opt to drop off and pick up their athlete after practice. Parents may also choose to sit in bleachers for practice. However, parents are not allowed within the gates on the track during practice. Only coaches, approved volunteers and athletes are allowed on the track during scheduled practice time. We respectfully ask for your cooperation so that the athletes and coaches may fully focus on training with minimal distractions.
- How long are track meets? Track meets can last from 3-5 (or more) hours. Athletes’ attendance time is determined by event obligations set by coaches. The time will vary depending on the number of teams, number of athletes competing and number of events an athlete is competing in. Regional, District and National meets can last all day and multiple days. However, this does not mean athletes must stay the whole time.
- How much will I travel for track meets? Regular season and district qualifying meets this year will likely be in state with no more than a 1.5 hour drive of Richmond for most meets. Regional (likely in TN) and Junior Olympic (in Houston, TX) qualifying meets will be out of state. Your athlete must qualify to participate in the Regional and National meets. As meets are announced we will provide dates and locations. Parents/Guardians are responsible for all travel expenses for the athlete (Lodging, transportation, meals, admission costs for non-athletes). The majority of meets will be a day trip, and not require overnight stays.
- How many meets are in the season? It will vary, we are projecting around at least 4-5 regular season meets in April and May. There will be a potential of around 3-4 additional meets depending on qualifiers and meet availability. Some meets, athletes must qualify to participate in June and July through the first week of August. Meets will be updated on the calendar.
- Where can I find track meet results? Coaches will post the link to meet results in the team communication app.
- When are AAU District, Regional and National meets? AAU District/Regional/National meets span from mid-June through the beginning of August:
- *AAU District meet- TBD mid June 2025 (likely Louisville, KY.) *Top 16 finishers in each event will advance to the regional qualifier. (3 event max for 8U-12, 4 event max for 13-18 years.)
- *AAU Regional Meet- TBD end of June 2025 (likely Knoxville, TN.) (3 event maximum for 8-U-12 years, 4 event max for 13-18 years.) *Top 6 finishers in each field event, running event, relay event and top 4 in multi-events will qualify for the National AAU Junior Olympic Games
- *AAU Junior Olympic Games - July 23rd - Aug 2nd, 2025 (Houston, TX)
- What’s the difference between KGE competition team and KGE training? The KGE competition team athletes participate in track meets (including AAU and non-AAU meets). KGE non-competition training sessions are offered to athletes who do not wish to participate in track meets but want to train with our competition athletes in practices. Training only athletes will practice with KGE for a 1 month commitment with 6 practices per month.
- What are the age divisions for non-AAU track meets? Meets vary, but Ky meets last year included divisions of 3rd grade and under, 4th/5th grade OR K-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5-6th.
- What are the age groupings for AAU meets? The age of the athlete ON December 31, 2025 will determine the age division for AAU competition. For example, if your child turns 11 in September of 2025, then that child will compete in the 11U division in AAU meets for that year.
- What are the events for the AAU age divisions? AAU meets events as follows: